Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Here's a couple of dorky knitters!

This is me and Josh! HI! I thought you'd like to know the faces of your blogger... and yea, Josh did make that hat he's wearing. He was performing at El Corazon that night with his Christian rock band, resDeus. I LOVE taking the photos at the show. I took this one particularly. The one of me is when Josh and I were at his house, waiting to go to my youth group's Formal Dinner that they have every holiday. 'Twas a lot of fun, Josh sporting a plaid Jacket and jeans, I myself in the winning dress in episode 2 of season 4's Project Runway, which can be found at Steve and Barry's. But anyway, about knitting, right?
I started knitting not too long after my mom started. I saw her making her hats and scarves and was absolutely amazed at how awesome it was to balance loops of yarn on 2 "sticks" like that. So, lucky for me, I had someone to teach me everything as I went. Now my mother, who has her OWN blog, www.passionknitgirl.blogspot.com, knits regularly. She specializes these days in lace patterns, particularly with shawl-making. She is also planning on making me my wedding shawl. YAY! I shall keep up details on that.
My first project was this gray garter-stitch scarf, which is hilariously made. I remember that I started out with 15 stitches across, then by the middle I had 25 stitches, then I ended with 15 again. Now I've been getting into sweaters and hoodies. Once I get home (I'm at josh's), I'll post some pics of my previous works.
So there you have it. You know me now! At least a little...

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