Yeah, I know what some of you are thinking, and I know that I just blogged about an hour ago, but I'm listening to a podcast right now (It's a Purl, Man), and he mentioned all of his projects on his needles, and it made me think of aaaaaaaalllllllll the projects that I have on needles, and which ones are just sitting, and will probably remain sitting for a while longer..... just until I get enough nerve to finish them.
So I went into my closet just now to see how many unfinished projects I could find, and (thank GOD, I thought there'd be more)I found three. And here they are, I am showing my "closet shame" to the world:
Here's where it's from and what it's supposed to look like:
Ok, that's out of the way.
The next one might look familiar to you:
.............I know.
I will say that I am very proud with how the back turned out on this sweater. This, as I mentioned in one of my previous blogs about this sweater, is my very first project working with color. I really was proud. But, honestly, I'm not a fan of working with color knitting. I much prefer the challenge of lace and cables. I think that's why I've put this away. I was afraid that if I kept going, I would get annoyed. I could do it, but I guess......... color knitting's just not something that I prefer to do. I mean, I like the look of it, I think this sweater, when I finally finish it, will be awesome. I just don't like the work. Oh well, onto the last project that I found:
This one I'm not so ashamed of. I remember picking this one up, not really that long ago, just because I didn't have anything on the needles that I was doing, and I wanted to avoid the "hidden objects" in my closet, so I got out some cheap Red Heart yarn and started this striped St st scarf. So I'm not all that surprised that I put this one up. It got very repetitive and..... frankly, boring. And I didn't want this to be the cause of a "loss of interest" for knitting, so I shunned it before it was too late. So that's my excuse......
So there you go. Now my dark secrets are known to the world..... well, at least all who read this blog (mom and dad, right?). Sorry mom, don't be ashamed. I promise I'll pick them back up someday.
Safe knitting!
Hey! There's no crying in knitting! Frog them and move on, dear. That's the beauty of yarn. Maybe that Homespun didn't want to BE a sweater. Make an afghan instead. Maybe that Red Heart wants to be...well...I'll have to think about that.
hehe yeah. well, I'm already so far on the hoodie, I'll probably just finish it, but as for the Red Heart..... It can only be so much. I might just frog that. No use in keeping it going. I'm never gonna finish it.
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